
User Guide


Feature 1

Create todos, events and deadlines


Use the text bar in Duke to run commands - for reference, see the in-app help list by typing ‘help’

todo/deadline/event - Create a task

Type ‘todo ' to create a simple todo.

Type ‘deadline /by <dd/mm/yyyy hhmm>' to create a deadline.

Type ‘event /at <dd/mm/yyyy hhmm>' to create an event.

Example of usage:
todo buy groceries
event presentation /at 31/03/2020 1400
deadline essay for prof tan /by 31/03/2020 1700

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've created this task : [t][x] buy groceries
Got it. I've created this task : [e][x] presentation (at 31/03/2020 1700)
Got it. I've created this task : [d][x] essay for prof tan (by 31/03/2020 1700)

Feature 2

Import tasks from an external file


Type import or overwrite to add tasks from an external file to your current task list, or write over your current task list.
You can also select these 2 options from a dropdown menu.

import/overwrite - Import tasks from an external file

Type import to open a file chooser. The tasks from this external file will be added on to your existing tasks.
Type overwrite to open a file chooser. The tasks from this file will overwrite your task list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

A file chooser will open up. When you select a *.txt file that is in the correct format, Duke will tell you Import from *.txt was successful!

Feature 3

Flexible delete commands


Type rmdone or deleteAll or delete <range> to remove all tasks marked as done, remove all tasks, or delete a specific range of tasks. You can select Delete all tasks and Delete all done tasks from the dropdown menu.

rmdone/deleteAll/delete <range> - Delete all done tasks/delete all tasks/delete tasks in a range

Example of usage:

delete 1-4,6-9,12"

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've deleted these tasks:
Duke will delete items 1 through 4, 6 through 9, and 12, and display these tasks.

Feature 4

Expenses Tracker


Click on Expenses Tracker under Other tools in the menubar to open the interface.

Add an expense/income item to your list using the +/- buttons

Example of usage:

Type the name of your expense/income, the amount, and then click +/- to add the item to the correct column.
The total budget amount will automatically update.

Expected outcome:

The columns will automatically update.